The Love Bite ladies get raw and personal discussing the concept of relational and situational dominance & submission, the theory of a sliding scale of D & s and how it’s impacted them.
Tags: aligncenter, alt, amp, Ass, attachment, bit, Bite, BiteBite (disambiguation), Calculator, caption, center, class, concept, Ding, dom, dominance, Dominance and submissionDominance and submission, dominance submission, Ed, Education, height, href, Implementations, Income tax, Jerry Brown, LA, Las, love, love bite, Napa County California, personal, relational, Sales tax, scale, situational, skidrow, Skidrowstudios,, Sliding scale fees, son, src, studio, sub, the love bite, theory, title, US, width, www, www.skidrowstudios.comThe post The Love Bite – 11/25/2012 – Dominance & Submission appeared first on Internet Radio - Skidrow Studios.